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In the Agri target group, there are both producers directly involved in agriculture for their livelihood and their stakeholders. Media outlets such as Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, MT.FI, Kantri, and Suomalainen Maaseutu naturally cater to this audience.

Maaseudun Tulevaisuus (MT)

The second most-read daily newspaper in Finland, published in print on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. MT is the most important source of information for Finnish farmers. Additionally, it is the only national media for those interested in rural affairs, addressing agricultural and forestry-related matters in every issue.


The website of the Countryside Future, MT.FI, is a unique target group media reaching approximately 450,000 weekly visitors. MT.FI is a domestic, high-quality, and secure media environment where your advertisement is in the right company.


Kantri is a monthly printed supplement of Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, presenting a relaxed approach to rural life, people, and phenomena. Kantri is a magazine where readers can reward themselves with an enjoyable reading moment.

Suomalainen Maaseutu

Suomalainen Maaseutu is a professional magazine focusing on rural people, rural entrepreneurship, agricultural contracting, and trade. The magazine is published monthly, inserted between the printed issues of Maaseudun Tulevaisuus.